bird just told me that Oscar Gonzalez the creator of Karmatron, posted in his blog the fan art I did a few days ago about ultimate Karmatron for a contest , He liked it, anyway I never cross my mind that he`ll watching the contest, the internet its so small.
Some news. Ok I uploaded in you tube the intro of pokemon pearl
Drunk duck yesterday was brougth by Platinum Studios and there was big reactions the more remarkable are from Mr. Kurtz and Mr. Straub Meanwhile I decided to keep on watch on drunduck ( yea like someone its going to notice Pilli Adventure, ego shock) to see what its going to happen,
And lastly the more important news at last the incredible heatwave was over for the moment, the breeze was refreshing but caused a little trouble at my house since a tree was falling down and I had to take action to stop that.
Yes I live in the creme color house (I wont never show the complete picture of my house, sorry)
In a contest forum I made my own version of the ultimate Karmatron. I made it to look more like a modern anime look instead of the late 70`s early 80's look that it had. In my head karmatron its an alien that kidnaps children from the streets and its a city legend no one has seen it but everyone heard about him.
He battles Asura who controls politicians , ecologists, cults etc to fill the world with chaos and dispair, the Karma work its to restore tha balance of the world.
A little fan art I did and never posted online (except for a little fan art conquest) little gamer vs dinosaur. for more of little gamers visit Their sense of humor its great I envy those guys.